Recipes without Wordiness
30 Minutes to the Table
To feed 4 people:
4 eggs
1 large bunch chard
2-3 cans of crushed tomatoes
1 small onion
red pepper
Step 1
Cut stems from clean chard
Thinly slice stems
Roughly chop chard leaves
Sauté stems in olive oil with salt until tender
Add and sauté chard leaves until wilted
Remove chard from pan
Set aside
Step 2
Saute minced garlic & diced onions in olive oil
Add 2 cans of crushed tomatoes to pan
Season with salt, cumin, paprika and red pepper to taste
Cook until reduced
Step 3
Turn pan down to low
Crack eggs into tomato sauce in pan
Cover with lid to steam the eggs
Cook eggs until desired
Divide cooked chard between eggs
Top with Feta Cheese